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Welcome to the Taylor Allderdice Class of 1977 Website 

If this is your first time seeing this site, click on the "First Time Visitors" link here or on the left side of this home page. Please register.  That way you can communicate with high school classmates, post in or view the Photo Gallery and see announcements of future reunions or receive announcements.  Sadly, take a look at the In Memory section to pay your respects to those who have passed away too young  

If you are on Facebook, be sure to join the Allderdice Class of '77 Facebook group. 

Already registered?

Welcome back.  This is where you can make updates to your account.  PLEASE KEEP YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS CURRENT or noone will be able to reach you to reconnect or inform you about reunions and other class updates.

Also, feel free to reach out to classmates, post photos and view photos from the "old days", 2017 reunion, or even current pictures of you and your faily or friends.

Stay tuned! 

Check back occasionally to see any class updates. Look in the Photo Gallery.  send a note to classmates you haven't seen for years.  THERE WILL BE A 50th REUNION in 2027!  Seems far away, but time flies.  

Congratulate our class...

More than half of our classmates have registered on this site!  What an active bunch of Movers and Shakers we are!  Please pass the word to others so they can register here, too.

Contact Us

Click on Contact Us and leave a message if you have any requests, questions or thoughts to share.  




How to post photos, past or current:

Five easy steps!

1. Sign In with email address and password.

2. Go to the Photo Gallery

3. Click on appropriate gallery image. For example, High school photos in "Oldies, but Goodies", Current photos in "Classmates Today".  Reunion photos in the Reunion gallery.

4. Click the "Create Your Own Photo Gallery Here" button at the bottom of the page to participate.

5. Follow the directions on screen to create your gallery.

Only you can add photos to galleries you have created, and all photos you add will be shown inside your gallery!

Our 45th Reunion July 2022 was a BLAST!  

- 29% of Classmates were from outside of Pennsylvania

- Classmates traveled from 16 states (outside of PA), plus Poland and New Zealand

- 40% of Classmates had not attended the 40th reunion and for several, this was their first class reunion.

- 100% had a GREAT TIME!
